
Bankruptcy Consultation

Bankruptcy Consultation in Toledo, OH

  1. Getting Acquainted. Welcome! Upon your arrival, you will be asked to complete a small amount of paperwork. The paperwork helps us to get to know you better and only takes a few minutes. This is our first opportunity to get a glimpse of your estimated debt totals, estimated household income, and some bankruptcy-related basics. There are no right or wrong answers, and educated guesses are always fine.
  2. Talking about what brings you in today. This is our opportunity to discuss any creditor lawsuits, collection letters, concerns about homes or cars, and anything else you would like to ask our legal team. While we won’t be able to solve all bankruptcy related problems in 45 minutes, we can take the first steps towards a fresh start by listening to your concerns and offering relevant strategies.
  3. Evaluating the options. Do we need a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, or a non-bankruptcy solution?
    1. Chapter 7 “liquidation” bankruptcy is the most common and is often best for people who don’t have enough regular income to repay some or all their debts. While most assets in Ohio can be protected, we will discuss your specific assets and determine whether risk exists. With Chapter 7, there is no monthly repayment plan to your creditors. Furthermore, creditor lawsuits and wage garnishments cease upon the filing of your case. After your case is filed, the average length of time is about 130 days to get to completion. Estimated fees include legal fees of $790.00 to $990.00 and a filing fee of $335.00.  Case complexity may affect pricing.
    2. Chapter 13 “repayment” bankruptcy is more suitable for debtors with some amount of regular income available for debt repayment to your creditors. Repayment periods average around 60 months. The amount you will repay will depend on several financial determinations, which we will discuss.
    3. Non-bankruptcy options can be appropriate as well. Some of the most common non-bankruptcy paths include creditor negotiations, referral to outside debt consolidation firms, and fresh budgeting perspectives. Fortunately, not everyone who comes to see us requires a bankruptcy filing. We will work on your behalf to negotiate with creditors and help you set up the most effective consolidation plan for you and your family.
  4. Establishing a timeline. After determining how we may best help you, we will talk about the timeline while focusing on your next steps. We will go through the required paperwork one page at a time. Rest assured that we are with you every step of the way.
  5. Taking home materials. At the end of your free consultation, we will provide you with a packet to take home so that you will have all the information to review in the privacy of your own home. Most clients are asked whether they would like to retain our bankruptcy attorney to get started on their financial recovery. Retainers are down payments on attorney fees. We do not suggest a specific minimum amount. Please know that 100% of any retainer you pay will be applied to your attorney fee balance if you decide to hire us. Once you have retained our bankruptcy attorney, you can refer your creditor calls to France Law Group, as we are now a part of your bankruptcy team.
  6. Scheduling your filing. For those filing for bankruptcy, we will schedule your filing appointment for a day and time that best fits your personal schedule. Each week, we have specific evening hours to accommodate our client schedules.

At France Law, we meet with people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and discuss whether bankruptcy is right for them. Financial stressors happen to everybody, and we are here to help. Sometimes, we can suggest a non-bankruptcy alternative and in other cases, a bankruptcy discharge is the most appropriate path.


Let’s walk through the steps of a bankruptcy consultation appointment.